What Did Gaza Teach Us by Edhem Sharqowi ( A Palestinian )

1. Gaza taught us that the Security Council is a gang, that international law is ink on paper and that Human Rights law is a joke!

2. Gaza taught us that this world is one-eyed; it turns its seeing eye wherever it wants and its sightless eye wherever it wants. The children of Gaza are not like the children of Ukraine in their eyes!
Because Ukrainian children are Romans like them, but we are Arabs!

3. Gaza has taught us that rights are taken by force, they cannot be obtained by begging. No one will come to you and say, "You are good, I will give you what you want." If you want something, reach out your hand and take it despite the whole world!

4. Gaza taught us that it is possible to liberate Palestine from the sea to the river and that what happened this time is just a small "rehearsal" for the future!

5. Gaza taught us that anyone can do what he wants, that it is never a question of means, but of will. Who could have imagined that a besieged Gaza could build its own weapons, fight with them and surprise its loved ones before its enemies?

6. Gaza has taught us to respect our blessings. There, drinking clean water has become a dream, a fresh loaf of bread an achievement, a bath a luxury like lounging on the beaches of the Maldives, and a tiny house, as long as it does not collapse on its inhabitants, has become more valuable than the palaces of the world.

7. Gaza has taught us that the likes of the Companions live among us. The descendants of Khalid bin Walid bravely attacking the ranks of the enemy, the descendants of Sa'ad bin Abi Waqqas shooting accurately, the descendants of Ikrimah still pledging allegiance to death, the descendants of Ka'qa'b's descendants amongst the army, their voices amongst the army are heart-rending... We heard them saying during the battle: In the name of Allah, the victor!

8. Gaza has taught us that Hansa is not dead, and that tens of thousands of mothers like her are still living among us. They presented their children in the way of Allah, being patient and expecting the reward from Allah, and their language was saying: Take the blood of our children until Allah is pleased with us!

9. Gaza taught us that if children grow up in hardship, they grow up prematurely, reaching maturity before their peers. The children of Gaza are like the child of the ditch (Uhdud) whose blood resurrected a believing people who were burned alive. This religion is resurrected with blood and extinguished with tears! So wipe away your tears and raise the martyrs of tomorrow!

10. Gaza has taught us that Aqeedah is not something written in lines, but a method of behavior. We have not seen a single person among them who does not agree with Allah's judgment. They are collecting the body parts of their loved ones, praising their Lord. They wipe their tears with one hand and continue to pick up the body parts with the other. Their hearts were filled with their aqeedah and it overflowed into their other limbs!

🖋 Palestinian Author Edhem Sharqawi




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