Ethics Of A Muslimah by Latifah Adelani Omolade

As a muslimah 
You know you're such a great diva 
A pious muslimah 
Sighted from afar like a golden star shinning bright up there in the sky 
You love to be pampered 
Your dressing you have always wanted that exceptional 

As a muslimah 
So many stories to tell 
Of challenges faced outside 
So many things could differ
Your lifestyle is worthwhile 

As a muslimah 
You cherish to be respected anytime you're being addressed 
You always love to be unique with Your skills and techniques 

As a muslimah 
Stepping out into the limelight of the society 
The memories gives you such a happy healing 
You want to be a source of happiness everywhere you are and where you will love to be

As a muslimah 
Days are rolling by
You have always made use of that precious time 
To meditate on travelling far and wide to make research on how continue living a life that can be of help to others 

As a muslimah 
You're jovial
Your creator comes first in all things you do
You  respect both parents and love treating them like a goddess 
You're proud of them 
They see you as their priceless jewel 
Ready to overcome all challenges 
For it takes nothing but hardworking and steadfastness 

As a muslimah 
You have always been loved by all and sundry 
Such a kind hearted beloved 
Moments spent with you 
Are always in retrospect 

As a muslimah 
Live a life 
Creatures will learn from 
Appreciate every moments 
Be thankful for every blessings 
Take a chance to build up a legacy 
Get your dreams fufilled and achieved
And some beautiful day 
You will be thankful to  your maker for everything now and so far.

@The lady Of Tranquility 


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