The State Of Our Ummah by Yusuf Habibah Omobolanle
is it free mixing ?
is it zina ?
is it back biting?
is it wearing revealing clothes?
is it keeping haram relationships with the opposite gender ?
all these bad deeds are everywhere around us
the ummah Allah loves and honour the most,
is this the ummah that will be the first to enter paradise?,
is this the ummah prophet Muhammad saw got bullied and stoned for?
the ummah our predecessors ( Abubakar, Umar, Ali ,Uthman , Hamzah) fought wars for
subhanallah we are really betraying the prophet saw,
is it still the same ummah ,or have we been swapped?
yes all of us me and you,
correct bad deeds with your hands, mouth , heart which is the weakest.
fine some are righteous and doing their best because no one is perfect.
wait a minute and think,
do you think Allah is not watching,
so dumb of you, he is always looking at you and he's wherever you are
tell me,
who brought you to life ?
who protected you in your mother's womb ?
who put your love in your parents heart ?
who made you walk on your own ?
whose power made it possible?
it is surely your Rabb Allah ,
and now you're fully grown,
sinning with what he blessed you with,
have you forgotten the day you will die ?
have you forgotten the scary angels in the grave?
have you forgotten the snakes and scorpions ?
please wake up , wake up to reality,
this life is an illusion,
have you forgotten the day of judgement and resurrection?
what have you done for this day?
what have you done for the day when your mother shall see you and flee away ?
when best friends will become enemies ( for they sinned together)
what have you done for this day that you'll cross a bridge thinner than hair and sharper than a sword ?
which hand did you want to collect your record with left or right ?
verily, it's not to late to repent , he is your lord Allah the Ghaffar and Rahim he is as sami
just call him and he'll surely answer,
go through the bad days and don't give up , remember he can't test a soul beyond what it can bear ,
he loves you 70 times than your mother
he's closer to you than your jugular vein,
just obey his commands and you shall live and everlasting and happy life in paradise
but when you do the opposite
its hell which you and I never want to witness
indeed a new day is a new chance.
by :
( may Allah accept your secret prayers ameen)
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