Palestine: My Heart Is Heavy by Zaynab Isa Abike
The slightest opportunity of being alone, I burst into uncontrollable tears. I'm so sad. Yet happy too.
This matter of Israel-Palestine war shakes my heart. And somehow, I've been feeling weak inside. The pain. And everytime I play with my mum, and my sisters, I can't help but remember the people of Gaza. The mothers and fathers, carrying their dead children. The pain is excruciating.
Yet looking at this war, I feel they were chosen for this. One consolation about it is that, Bi' idhnillah, Allah will reward their pains with relief. Massive relief like they never went through any hardships on earth before.
Indeed, meeting Allah in death in His Cause is better than all the sufferings and injustice of this world. Bi idhnillah, there is rest and happiness for the righteous. They are not dead. They are alive, enjoying the bounties of their Lord. Alhamdulillah for immense reliefs that come after our hardships and pains.
Yet, there is a reflection.
Sometimes, when our pains reach the peak, and it feels like we are about to lose it, or die, most often, it is a sign that things are about to fall into place. It's hard to deal with. It's hard to understand. It's hard to believe. But the truth is that, when our challenges get to the worst, it's a sign that things are about to fall into place.
The tragedies that the Gaza people have been through, it's unfathomable. Yet, it is real. Indeed, the harder the test, the bigger the reward.
If you are going through a trial in your life that's so hard, so hard to deal with. Like you are all alone and you are in the darkest of darkness. And you feel like you might die after this, because the pains are just too hard to bear. I want you to hold your heart, look inwards, raise your head upwards, and keep telling Allah that you trust Him.
Yes, it might seem like Allah is Silent. Yes, it might seem like Allah has abandoned you or forgotten you. Yes it might seem like He's just watching all these bad things happening to you.
My darling sisters and brothers, there is no one on this earth, who loves you like Allah loves you. Please be patient with Him and trust Him completely.
Let the people of Gaza be your inspiration. They have endured the worst any human can endure. And still enduring. Yet, their faith keeps getting stronger. Their will have not been broken.
Keep on being strong. Keep holding on. In your striving is the reward. The harder the test, the bigger your reward. The worst is death. And after death comes meeting Allah. Whatever comes to you, so long as it's not death, Bi'idhnillah you can scale through. It's hard, right. This is your struggle. This is your battle. This is your Jihad to Allah. A striving towards the purification of your own soul. A striving pushing you to Jannah.
Let your tears flow. Let your heart grieve. Let your pains make you scream. But NEVER stop believing in the Promise of your Lord.
If He who loves you most has ordained this to happen, then it is certainly good for you.
In the end, you will smile.
Will you allow yourself to trust in your Lord, even when it is hardest?
May Allah grant our brothers and sisters in Palestine a resounding powerful victory. Ameen!
The most inspirational, support and beautiful article I have ever read in my life 💜