
Showing posts from July, 2024

Our Purpose In Life by Farida Ibrahim

Individually, we all have reasons for waking up everyday. Some wake early and others, much later. Our purpose in life is the pivot around which our lives revolve. It consists of our aims, values, determination and goals in life. Every human being has his or her own reasons for which he exists. In the phase of religion, our Creator obliged us to a specific purpose of which He created us. No submissive servant refutes it. According to what Allah says in the Qur'an, Our Creator made clear to us our purpose when He said "And I did not create the jinns and humans except to worship Me......." This verse can be found in (Q51:56). This clearly states the main purpose of our creation and existence in this life. That is the purpose of our lives in the light of religion. Now let us dive into the individual purposes that we have set, wished, and destined for ourselves. Just as we have a purpose for being in this world, so as we have individually a purpose in our lives. No

Tribute to Dr. Rasheed Buwaeb By: Kamoru Sodiq

  It has been more than a week since we lost a gem. Tuesday, July 2, 2024 will forever remain a black day in the hearts and minds of lovers, children, friends, students, mentees, admirers, beneficiaries and well-wishers of Dr. Rasheed Abdul-Jabaar Salman Al-Buwaeb. History should record it in its negative book because one of our beautiful ones passed to the world beyond. Haji Buwaeb as he is fondly called by many was born to the great "Elemo Compound" in Iwo, Osun State, Nigeria. He started out as a young Islamic scholar and cut his educational (Arabic) teeth from His Eminence, Late Sheikh Abdul-Baaqi (A.B) Muhammad in Iwo. The late Sheikh A.B Muhammad is one of the foremost and respected Islamic figures in Yorubaland. Haji Buwaeb is a graduate of the prestigious Islahudeen Arabic School, Oye-Ode, Iwo and came out as one of the toppers. Due to his proficiency and gifted qualities at a tender age, he was named "Buwaeb" (which we might translate to mean do

Who Is The Founder Of Ottoman Empire by Ananymous

Osman Bey 1st was the founder of the Ottoman Empire, which would grow to become one of the largest and longest-lasting empires in history. His life and conquests laid the foundation for what would eventually be a dominant force in both Europe and Asia. Here is a detailed account of Osman Bey's battles and conquests: EarlyLife and Rise to Power Osman Bey was born in 1258 in Söğüt, a small town in northwestern Anatolia (modern-day Turkey). He was the son of Ertuğrul Gazi, the leader of the Kayı tribe of the Oghuz Turks. Upon the death of his father around 1280, Osman became the bey (chief) of the Kayı tribe. Expansion and Conquests Osman Bey's conquests began in the late 13th century as he sought to expand his territory at the expense of the declining Byzantine Empire and neighboring Turkish beyliks (principalities). 1. Conquest of Karacahisar (1288)    - One of Osman’s early conquests was Karacahisar, a Byzantine fortress near Eskişehir. This victory marked the begin

A Letter To The Newly Appointed MSSN OAU Executives by Abdulhamid Mutohhir Olanrewaju ( A final year student )

Once again, the mantle of leadership has been passed on. Alhamdulillah Rabbil Alamin. We give praise and thanks to Almighty Allah for making us witness that day. We thank Him for guiding the Shurah committee, and we thank Him for His choice of leaders. For those of us who attended the programme, we would all agree that that day is a memorable one. It's not every day you see your leaders breaking down at the moment of appointment. And if there's a lesson to be learnt from that, and from the fact that Great men like Umar and Uthman cried as well, it's the fact that crying is not always a sign of weakness. Sometimes, it's a sign of inner strength. To our dear newly appointed excos, with our congratulations and prayers for Barakah comes our suggestions and advice. Of course, not all of us have been class reps, not to talk of attaining positions like an Ameer and an Ameerah, so we can't exactly tell you what to do and how to do it. However, being at the grass